AI Challenges for European Research and Academia#

Venue: Imperial College, Lecture Theatre 311, Huxley Bldg. 3rd Floor, ICL, 180 Queens Gate, London SW7
Date: 4-5 Sep. 2024

In 2023, the Academia Europaea Board decided he creation of an interdisciplinary Task Force on AI (AE-TFAI) which will report a summary of recommendations for the European academic milieu and funding agencies, so that they may take the best advantage of recent developments in AI for the benefit of research and education throughout Europe. In the meanwhile, the chair of AE-TFAI also serves as an adviser on AI in "Science 20" (S20) for the forthcoming G20 2024 meeting in Brasilia. Academia Europaea provided input to a recent SAPEA Evidence Review Report on AI in Science, through a set of rapid reviews by its Cardiff Hub. Thus, the Workshop on "AI Challenges for European Research and Academia", that will be held at Imperial College on 4-5 Sep. 2024 will survey the main themes of current AI research, with leading speakers from the European Area, China and the USA, including Academia and Industry, to identify the main challenges that need to be addressed in the field.

Sponsors: Academia Europaea & CNRS Abraham de Moivre Math. Laboratory, ICL
Co-Sponsor: Foundation for Science and Technology, UK
AE Task Force on AI: Erol Gelenbe MAE (Chair), Guy Brasseur MAE, Schahram Dustdar MAE, Thomas Eiter MAE, Véronique Halloin, Alessandro Lenci
Organizing Committee:
Dan Crisan, Maths. Dept., ICL, Erol Gelenbe, Inst. Theoretical & Applied Informatics, Polish Acad. Sci., Federica Pratola, Maths.Dept. ICL

For invitation and registration please contact:

AI Challenges for European Research and Academia

Preliminary Program#

Wednesday Sep 4, 2024

10.00am Welcome

10.10am - 11.30 Introduction

  • 10.10 - 10.50 Eric Xing, President MBZUAI “Toward public and reproducible foundation models beyond lingual and visual intelligence: How a young university helps lead a young country in the premier league of global AI
  • 10.50 - 11.30 Zeina Zakhour, CTO Global Security Eviden/ATOS, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on AI for Cybersecurity & Security for AI

11.30 - 12.30 Brain Modeling
  • Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier, INRIA, “Modeling the Brain Connectome
  • Dan Farina, ICL “Mapping Brain and Spinal Sensorimotor Activity

12.30am - 1.15pm Lunch

1.15pm - 3.15pm Machine Learning I
  • Yonina Eldar MAE, FAcad.Sci.Israel, Weizmann Institute “Model-based Deep Learning
  • Eric Moulines FAcadSci Fr, Ecole Polytechnique “Bayesian inverse problems with denoising diffusion model
  • Marco di Renzo MAE, CNRS, Centrale Supelec “Smart Metasurfaces for Communications

3.15pm - 3.30pm Coffee Break

3.30pm - 6.30pm Machine Learning II
  • Louis Wehenkel MAE, Liège Univ. “Physics informed ML for bulk electric power systems
  • Tolga Birdal, ICL “Topological Deep Learning: Beyond Graph Data
  • Ekin Dogus Cubuk, Google DeepMind “Scaling up computational materials discovery via deep learning
  • Erol Gelenbe MAE FNATF RoyAcad Be, IITIS & KCL ”Wave Equation for Quantum Neural Networks

6.00 - 7.00 Panel: Technical Challenges for Machine Learning
Yonina Eldar, Erol Gelenbe, Iryna Gurevych, Zeina Zakhour

7.30 pm Dinner for Speakers and Organizers at Ogniesko (Exhibition Road)

Thursday Sep 5, 2024#

9.30am - 10.30am AI in Cybersecurity, Trust and Privacy

  • Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, ICL “Computational Privacy and AI
  • Zheng Yan, Xidan University “AI-empowered Trust and Trust-controlled AI

10.30am - 10.45am Coffee Break

10.45am - 12.00am Research on Language Technology
  • Iryna Gurevych, TU Darmstadt, “How to InterText? Modeling Text as a Living Object in Context
  • Anna Korhonen, University Cambridge “Towards globally equitable language technologies

12.00am - 12.45am Lunch Break

12.45am - 3.00pm AI in Healthcare
  • Benoît Macq RoyAcad Be, Louvain University “Coalitional Learning for Healthcare
  • Payam Barnaghi, ICL, “AI for Personalized Healthcare Alerts
  • James Cole, UCL “AI in the Analysis of Brain Ageing

3.00pm - 3.15pm Coffee Break

3.15pm - 6.15pm AI in Engineering
  • Helen Li, Duke University “Efficient Machine Learning: Algorithm-Hardware Co-design
  • Alexandra Brintrup, Cambridge University , “Explainable AI for Supply Chains
  • Eiman Kanjo, Nottingham Trent University & ICL “Tiny ML
  • Emmanouil Spyrakos, KCL “Interchangeability of AI and Control Theory for Robot Control

For invitation and registration please contact:

Download the preliminary programme(info) (updated 14th August 2024)

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